Zoom Webinar
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Is NOW A Good Time To Invest?

Investment strategies for new and existing investors during volatile markets


Thursday, July 14, 2022


11:00am CEST (Europe)
1:00pm GST (Middle East)


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6 Things To Know About Investing During Market Crashes, Downturns & Recoveries.

As talk of a recession gathers pace, now may be perfect time to invest. Not what you thought you’d hear us say, but it’s true!

There’s a lot to make investors nervous at the moment. Since the beginning of the year the global stock market has fallen nearly 20%. Even the usually steady global bond market is 13.9% down year-to-date. Inflation and interest rates have been going up in leaps and bounds and the Ukraine conflict doesn’t appear any closer to a resolution.

Surely it would be foolish to invest now with all this going on?

On the contrary, in this webinar we’ll explain why we think now may actually be the best time to invest and how expanding existing investments could prepare your portfolio for future gains when the markets recover.

In our latest webinar, we will delve deeper into:

  1. Why market downturns can represent great opportunity
  2. The history of market crashes and how they recovered
  3. Investment strategies for volatile markets
  4. What Is Cost Averaging – The practice of using regular deposits to help smooth out stock market volatility.
  5. The advantages of saving in a fluctuating market
  6. Already invested? What is the long term forecast given current markets

No-one knows for certain when the market is set to recover or if further falls are in store. What we do know though, is historically those who’ve delayed investing due to volatility have often ended up worse off than those who took the plunge and invested earlier.

Your Event Speakers

Our host, Jonathon Curtis, Head of Investment Research, explains why It can certainly take courage to invest when things are looking turbulent, but that it can turn out to be some of the best times to invest.

Jonathon Curtis

Head Of Investment Research

Jonathon oversees Skybound’s investment strategy for group-wide assets of $1bn, and chairs our Investment Committee. He is responsible for all fund research and building investment portfolios that aim to deliver strong long-term returns. Jonathon is on hand to support both clients and Skybound advisers on investment matters wherever they are in the world.

Mallard Club Event Partners

Jonathon Curtis

Head Of Investment Research

Jonathon oversees Skybound’s investment strategy for group-wide assets of $1bn, and chairs our Investment Committee. He is responsible for all fund research and building investment portfolios that aim to deliver strong long-term returns. Jonathon is on hand to support both clients and Skybound advisers on investment matters wherever they are in the world.

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