Responsible Investing

Introducing Our Responsible (ESG) Investment Portfolios

Responsible Investing For Real People. Designed with your future in mind.

 Responsible (ESG) Investment Portfolios

Committed To Responsible Clients

Skybound Wealth is fully committed to helping clients who would like to invest more responsibly, while still placing importance on growing and protecting their wealth. In recent years this approach has become known as ESG investing, as it focuses on three key areas – Environmental, Social and Governance.

What Is ESG?

Traditionally investment decisions have centred around financial considerations, such as how profitable companies are or how much sales are predicted to grow. With ESG, investors are now increasingly applying non-financial considerations to their investment decisions. These can include things like what emissions companies are producing, how diverse their workforce is and how the business is managed.

Given the increasing concerns about the impact companies can have on the world, ESG investing is quickly growing in popularity among investors large and small. The pace of this current trend suggests ESG could soon become part of the investing mainstream.

 Responsible (ESG) Investment Portfolios

Our Responsible Investment Portfolios

As part of our suite of investment solutions, we’ve created the Responsible Growth portfolios. They broadly mirror the asset allocation (how much is invested in the stock market, bonds and other types of investments) of our Growth portfolios. We also follow the same rigorous research process for our Responsible Growth portfolios as we do for any other, including interviews with the team behind every fund in the portfolio. In addition, however, all funds for our Responsible Growth portfolios undergo more thorough ESG research and must meet our ESG Principles.

In keeping with our focus on diversification, we use a combination of the different ESG styles within our Responsible Growth portfolios, including exclusionary, thematic, impact and ESG score-weighted. So rather than commit to any single one, we blend funds that use a range of approaches, while maintaining diversification across industries and geographies too.

Our portfolios’ number one priority is, and will always be, putting clients first. ESG or otherwise. This means helping you achieve your financial goals through strong long-term returns is our main aim at all times. We believe the best way to achieve this is with a high level of diversification, thorough research and low costs. You’ll find all that within our Responsible Growth portfolios.

 Responsible (ESG) Investment Portfolios

Skybound Wealth ESG Principles

Avoid Controversy

We will seek to avoid or significantly reduce exposure to controversial areas such as fossil fuels, mining, tobacco, weapons, alcohol, pornography and gambling.

Encourage Positive Change

ESG fund managers use their influence as shareholders to engage with companies and encourage positive change.

Long Term Goals

Performance is still key – our ESG portfolios aim to deliver strong long-term returns for clients.

No Niche Investing

In keeping with our emphasis on diversification, we will avoid investing too much in any niche area, regardless of its ethical or sustainability credentials.

Complete Fund Research

Our investment research includes thorough analysis of fund’s ESG approaches and credentials.

Impartial Investment Advice

We won’t impose our own personal ethical beliefs on the selection of investments, as these may differ from our clients’ views.

UNPRI Signatories

We’re proud to be signatories of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), which is widely regarded as the global standard for investing responsibly. It launched in 2005 and today has over 4,000 signatories including MSCI, Bloomberg and Vanguard. PRI describes itself as “the world’s leading proponent of responsible investment” and is based on 6 principles which all signatories agree to follow.

Being PRI signatories shows our commitment to incorporating ESG considerations into our investment practices, analysis and decision-making. That means Skybound Wealth clients can be confident that our portfolios aren’t only investing for growth, but are investing for good as well.

Download our Responsible Investment Portfolios brochure to find our more about our role as a UNPRI Signatory.

 Responsible (ESG) Investment Portfolios

Responsible Investment Portfolios Brochure

We have put together a brochure dedicated to our Responsible (ESG) Investment Portfolios. It covers everything you need to know about our approach to ESG, being a UNPRI signatory and much more.

If you already have a Skybound Advisor, please contact them today to get your copy of our Responsible Investment Portfolios brochure.

Alternatively, if you're new to Skybound, you can download your copy below.

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