Company News
Webinar Recap
January 8, 2021

A New Name For A New Era

We are excited to share important news regarding the evolution of our company and how this change will benefit you. Introducing Skybound Wealth Management.

We are excited to share important news regarding the evolution of our company and how this change will benefit you. We are delighted to announce that our company name is changing from GWM to Skybound Wealth Management.

Following the announcement of the acquisition of the business back in April 2020, you may have noticed a number of upgrades in recent months to the service we provide and how we support our clients.

Here is a little insight into what we have been working on and why.

New Team

This year we have significantly strengthened our senior management team.  We have recruited some of the most experienced people within our industry, and promoted from within those who have demonstrated a shared passion to put our clients at the centre of what we do.

Of course, a management structure is only effective with the right support network. And that’s why we have made key additions to each of our support teams such as Compliance, Client Services and Investment Research.

Each member of the Skybound team, both new and old, are committed to continuous personal development and upholding the highest standards of professionalism in our shared mission to provide an unrivalled service to international investors around the world.

Enhanced Proposition

As we constantly strive to find new ways of providing our clients with the most efficient solutions for building and maintaining wealth. We have introduced new solutions such as investment property, repatriation and ethical investing, to allow us to offer a comprehensive international wealth planning solution that is market leading and truly holistic.

We have also upgraded the way we deliver our proposition. We have established and expanded specialist teams to provide more in-depth research, support and content tailored to your exact requirements.  We continue to innovate to ensure we are always improving the service you receive.

Bound Together

At Skybound we are bound together by a shared vision of becoming the employer of choice and adviser of choice for international professionals.  We firmly believe these changes will help us to achieve this ambition.  We strive as a collective to not only remain at the forefront of international financial planning, but to lead its evolution.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. In the meantime, keep an eye out for more exciting developments to our proposition


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