Lifestyle Financial Planning
Webinar Recap
June 9, 2022

5 Secrets Your Financial Advisor Doesn't Want You To Know

Building on the success of previous webinars, join Jonathon Curtis & Paul Butler to look at the secrets your financial advisor doesn't want you to know.

An In-Depth Look At The Secrets Your Financial Advisor Doesn’t Tell You About Your Investment Plan

Zoom Webinar
Recording Now Available

Information correct at the time of recording.

Available to watch on demand now, our latest webinar looks the secrets your financial advisor doesn't want you to know about your investment plan.

In this webinar, Paul Butler, Senior Advisor & UAE Resident of 10 years, and Jonathon Curtis, tell you how to spot a bad investment and what you should be looking out for.

If you were unable to attend the live event, you can now access a full recording of the webinar.

If you have any further questions or if we didn’t get to answer your question during the webinar see below.

The webinar covered a range of topics such as:

  • Does your Advisor receive big commission fees - Is your money invested in line with your goals or your advisors?
  • Who actually invests your money - The benefits of an internal, dedicated investment team working in tandem with your Advisor
  • Only buying top performers - Why you should be careful of investing in companies that have peaked
  • Matching your risk tolerance - How different goals and different stages of the investment cycle influence your attitude to risk vs reward
  • Structured Products - Should you be investing in them?

This recording will only be available for a limited time, so it’s vital you request access now to not miss out on this insightful webinar.


Information correct at the time of recording. Past performance is not a guide to future returns. Investment in securities involves the risk of loss and the advice herein cannot be construed as a guarantee that future performance will be reflective of past returns.

Written By

Paul Butler

Senior Financial Planner

A Dubai resident of 10+ years, Paul Butler is a senior financial adviser at Skybound Wealth who has 30 years’ experience both in the UK and Middle East providing independent, holistic financial planning and advice to enable clients to build a coherent, joined up financial plan that makes sense and empowers clients to achieve the future they desire, while having some fun along the way.

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